27 August 2015

Disabled Children Are Subject To Discrimination In The Poorer Countries

Image Source: goo.gl/DFuwJ0

The human rights watch (HRW) has recently revealed in a report that an estimated 500,000 children with disabilities are not enrolled for primary education in the primary schools in South Africa. It has pointed that the lack of children’s education – one of the most essential and initial human requirements – is still not present in the African continent’s most improved and advancing country.

The real picture
Image Source: goo.gl/BEiLPG

Some of the countries in the continent are hopeful regarding the matter of Millennium Development Goal (MDG). The countries ascribe a positive inclination towards fulfilling this as they say that the MDG will be met by hose countries to grant the access to primary education.
But it is something different when it comes to reality. The report says “Although the government claims it has achieved the MDG of enrolling all children in primary schools by 2015, HRW found that in reality, across South Africa, many children with disabilities are not in school,”

Another problem
Image Source: goo.gl/ZMy0FF

It is also assumed that the country will not be able to meet even the second MDG that targets universal primary education by 2015. The reason of this is the poor rate of development in the sub-saharan areas of the continent.
Hannah Kuper, co-director of the International Centre for Evidence in Disability at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, says “Many, if not most, of disabled children are not enrolled in schools in developing countries,”

The UN vs. HRW
Image Source: goo.gl/7duS00

A controversial point has been found between the UN and the HRW. South Africa’s activities in improving the access to children’s education was much praised in 2007. It was the first country to gain the ratification of the UN’s disability rights convention. In 2001 it also revealed policies to end the exclusion of disabled children from schools.
South Africa’s minister for basic education, Angie Motshekga, said in the month of May that the country had met the MDG.
The UN said regarding this matter, “South Africa has in effect achieved the goal of universal primary education before the year 2015, and its education system can now be recognised as having attained near universal access.”
On the contrary the HRW uncovered that the country exhibits a great range of discrimination regarding disabilities when it comes to the enrolment of students.
Elin Martínez, HRW’s children’s rights researcher, said “The South African government needs to admit that it is not providing quality education to all of its children – in fact, no schooling at all to many who have disabilities.”

The proof
Image Source: goo.gl/QS9JdC

Qinisela, a South African mother of an eight-year old boy who has Down’s syndrome, residing in Kwa-Ngwanase, KwaZulu-Natal, has told the researchers of the HRW
“We tried to put him in a [mainstream] school but they said they couldn’t put him in that school because he has disabilities... because of Down’s syndrome he isn’t like other children so they [said they] can’t teach him. At the therapy, they promised to phone if there’s a space in a special school. I’ve been waiting since last year.”
Other guardians and parents were interviewed the HRW from places like KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo, Northern Cape, Western Cape provinces and Gauteng.

Reality of the schools
Image Source: goo.gl/N8aiJ6

Again the HRW also witnessed various indisciplined activities in the schools. They saw violence, abuse, negligence and even discrimination of disabled child in terms fees of the schools.

Let’s improve impartially
Image Source: goo.gl/TehsXl

Difficulties and hostile forces like disabilities in children is a very dominant factor even in the most developed countries in the world. But treating it with less importance and neglecting it can never lead to a brighter future. To get an improved and modernised society, the countries facing these problems must cooperate to improve from these situations instead of avoiding them.

Source: goo.gl/TAAHkq

03 August 2015

How Entrepreneurs Can Make Opportunities Out Of Obstacles ?

Image Source: bit.ly/1OK2Q3L

Do you dream of becoming an entrepreneur? Are you gearing up to start your own business? Well it is certainly a great idea to build your career as an entrepreneur, but it is imperative that you have an iron will and strong determination that will guide you through the low phases and lead you towards success.

Let's face it, being an entrepreneur you are bound to face several obstacles throughout your career. Hence, it is important that you have the right knowledge, skills and attitude that will enable you to turn these obstacles in to opportunities for growth.
In a recent Forbes article, Chris Myers, CEO and co-founder of BodeTree.com, wrote
“Simply put, the struggles we face offer us a path to growth and success. It’s a counter-intuitive concept to be sure, but it is perhaps the single most important concept that any entrepreneur can learn: how to embrace challenges.”
Here we are going to take a look at what it actually means to turn challenges to opportunities-

Bad luck is Actually an Opportunity
Image Source: bit.ly/1OZc6Sf

Are all your efforts getting thwarted by unforeseen and unpredictable events? Do you feel like no matter how hard you try, you just can't seem to catch a break? Do you feel like your luck has given up on you? The fact is you cannot control external factors that might have an adverse impact on your business or work. What you can control though is how you react to such situations and what you do to counter the scenario. Bad luck is nothing but an opportunity for you to prove your abilities, innovative ideas and persistence.
Myers wrote “I was introduced to this mindset by a successful relative. In his first leadership role, he found himself routinely frustrated and discouraged by the problems that seemed to constantly pop up.”
He added “After one particularly challenging period, however, he had an epiphany. He realized that while he couldn’t control his luck, he could control how he reacted. Perhaps his bad luck wasn’t bad luck at all, but actually an opportunity to prove himself... Today, I try to practice that same spirit both at work and in my personal life.”

Locus of Control 
Image Source: bit.ly/1OK1yph

If you wish to become a successful entrepreneur, then you simply cannot afford to blame others for things that things that don't work out. One of the greatest traits of successful business leaders is internal locus of control. They believe that event and outcomes are basically a result of their own efforts and actions and blame themselves for not being able to work to their fullest potential. By taking responsibility of the situation, you will be in a better position to find a solution and set it right.
Myers added “In any given business situation, the only thing that you truly have control over is yourself. As difficult as it may seem, you always have the choice to recognize the obstacle for what it is, find something positive, and work like hell to push through it.”
He further wrote “I practiced self-control and managed to stick it out long enough to gain skills that would serve me well in the future.”

The Secret of Success 
Image Source: bit.ly/1JGYUkN

What do you think is the secret of success? The answer is You! If you are facing numerous obstacles on your way to success then the only way to overcome and make the most of the present scenario is to develop a strong will that will get you through all challenges.
According to Myers “The challenges and problems we face in our lives and businesses are part of the road map to greatness. Whether we choose to follow that map is up to us. There is no secret formula for success. The only thing you need is the will to confront your struggles, the desire to find the joy in even the darkest times, and the determination to keep moving forward no matter what.”
To know more on the success stories click here .

Empower Yourself 
Image Source: bit.ly/1MH43eC

I do realise the fact that it is easier said than done. When you are facing constant challenges and trying to keep your business afloat, it becomes really difficult to maintain a strong will and a positive attitude. However, your business knowledge and skills will enable you to identify opportunities in obstacles and capitalise them for expanding your company. Here comes the need for business education. Studying business management will help you learn the core business concepts and gain a thorough knowledge about the global market. Hence, you will be in a better position to lead your business.

However, with ever increasing tuition fees in universities and B-schools it simply does not seem feasible to pursue a traditional MBA and waste your time an money. It is for this reason that now most of the aspiring entrepreneurs are pursuing online business management courses. Studying online will not only help you save your time and money, but it will also allow you to gain quality business education and acquire essential management and leadership skills. Moreover, you can also work a full time job while you are studying and gain relevant work experience to hone your skills.

An online management diploma will empower you to gain the necessary business skills and knowledge and make the most of any scenario. You will not only be able to convert obstacles to opportunities, but expand your business and rise as a market leader.

What do you think? How do you face business challenges? Share your views and opinions with us by commenting below.

Source Article: onforb.es/1NWHgZV